Etica Wealth

AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

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Trail Year1 Suggested Disclosure

Trail Year 2 Suggested Disclosure


Trail Year1 Suggested Disclosure

Trail Year 2 Suggested Disclosure

Etica Wealth could also get reimbursements towards promotion and marketing related activities conducted by Etica Wealth Pvt. Ltd. on behalf of AMCs. These reimbursements are event based and the same may or may not be received from AMCs in a particular period. Fzurther, since such activities may be carried out at AMC level, reimbursement amount received cannot be attributed to any specific scheme being offered by such AMC. Details of Scheme level commission on Mutual funds are available with the Relationship Managers and would be produced on demand. This is on a best effort basis and rates are updated as and when actual rates are received from AMCs

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